Procedural Safeguards (Garantías en Español) - Killingly Public Schools (KPS) Pupil Personnel Services (PPS) Policy & Procedures Manual includes a full explanation of parent/guardian and student rights, responsibilities and expectations regarding special education in the Killingly School District. Explanations of commonly used forms are included in each chapter with a copy of the form in the chapter appendix.
Transition Bill of Rights for Special Education Parents - A student with an individualized education program (IEP) has certain rights under both federal and state laws. This Transition Bill of Rights for parents of students receiving special education will help parents and students understand a student’s rights related to getting an education and other important issues regarding the transition to life after high school. School districts will provide this document annually at a planning and placement team (PPT) meeting to all parents, guardians, and surrogate parents of students who are receiving special education services in Grades 6-12 as well as to students who are 18 years of age or older.
Easing into Secondary Transition: A Comprehensive Guide - Connecticut has a wealth of resources and services that can assist all students to be college and career ready when they exit high school. Easing into Secondary Transition: A Comprehensive Guide to Resources and Services in Connecticut is an opportunity for educators, students and families throughout Connecticut to identify and access these secondary transition.
CT-SERC - SERC is a quasi-public agency established under statute to serve the CT State Board of Education in supporting educational equity and excellence. We do this by providing professional development and information dissemination in the latest research and best practices to educators, service providers, and families throughout the state, as well as job-embedded technical assistance and training within schools, programs, and districts.
SDE PPT Resources - This link contains valuable online information regarding the PPT Process. You will find a wealth of information in the RESOURCES section. It contains information about the PPT process and all IEP forms. There is also pertinent information in the PARENT/FAMILY RESOURCES section.
CPAC INC Resources - This link provides parents with free information regarding Helpful resources, Materials and Publications, Projects and Programs and Hot Topics regarding Special Needs Children. CPAC also has an extensive Lending Library.
The Council for Exceptional Children - The Council for Exceptional Children is a professional association of educators dedicated to advancing the success of children with exceptionalities. We accomplish our mission through advocacy, standards, and professional development.
CT DDS - The mission of the Department of Developmental Services is to partner with the individuals we support and their families, to support lifelong planning and to join with others to create and promote meaningful opportunities for individuals to fully participate as valued members of their communities.
Bureau of Rehabilitation Services - The Bureau of Rehabilitation Services strives to create opportunities that enable individuals with significant disabilities to work competitively and live independently. Staff works to provide individualized services, develop effective partnerships, and share sufficient information so that consumers and their families may make informed choices about the rehabilitation process and employment options.
DMHAS - The Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services is a health care agency whose mission is to promote the overall health and wellness of persons with behavioral health needs through an integrated network of holistic, comprehensive, effective, and efficient services and supports that foster dignity, respect, and self-sufficiency in those we serve.
BESB - The Bureau of Education and Services for the Blind (BESB) is the state’s lead Bureau for the coordination and provision of services to all Connecticut residents who are legally blind, or have significant visual impairments. These services include training and devices that help people who are blind function in the home and in the community independently; teaching children how to adapt to and learn in an environment - in and outside of school - that is designed for those with sight and; providing services that help people who are blind find work or keep their job after blindness has developed.
ASRC - Services & Resources Connecticut, Inc. (ASRC) serves a vital role in helping to educate and empower individuals and families affected by autism. As the state leader in advocacy, training and family support, ASRC is here to enhance the lives of those affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) as well as their families. To learn more about our organization, click on the dropdown menu above.
Williams Syndrome Association - The mission of The Williams Syndrome Association is to advance the interests of all individuals throughout their life span.