Community Partnerships
Welcome! At Killingly Public Schools, we value community partnerships. We know that when businesses and community members partner with our schools we are creating strong, long-lasting positive relationships. School and community partnerships create a win-win situation for schools, businesses, communities, and most importantly, our students. When students achieve their goals in education, everyone benefits.
We would love feedback from you! What ideas do you have to make our schools better? Are you interested in learning about ways to volunteer, support our schools/programs, job shadow opportunities, or just share feedback?
Please take a moment to share:
We would love to share more information with you, if you would like us to come present to your business, or community group or just have a one-on-one conversation on how we can partner together, please reach out to one of the below contacts.
Watch our video:
Thank you for your time,
Sue Nash-Ditzel: Superintendent
Jeff Guiot: Assistant Superintendent:
Kristine Cicchetti: Community Engagement Coordinator/HR Assistant:
Chad Neal: High School Career Center Coordinator